MAY 1 International Pilates Day

Strengthening your core is one of the best things you can do for your health as you age. Core exercises not only help to ease pain, they improve your balance and increase your flexibility, which can help you maintain your lifestyle. And a strong core matches strong emotional and mental balance, to build resilience to stress.

How Good is Your Balance? Try this test now.
Start by standing comfortably near the wall, holding your arms in any position you choose. Lift one foot an inch or two off the floor so that you are balancing on the other foot. Time how long you can do this before having to put the raised foot down or touch the wall for support.
If you can’t stand on one leg unassisted, lightly touch the wall or hold the back of a chair with one or both hands for support. Use less support as you improve your balance. If you can hold this single leg stance for 60 seconds or more, you have excellent balance. If you can’t hold it for more than 10 seconds, you could be at risk for a fall. Pilates exercises will make your stable and balanced in now time!