intenSati Uplifting Exercise

July intenSati is about loving life as it is so that we can live a life we love, in a body we love and to love the life we’re consciously creating.The life we’re living and experiencing is based off of our self-concept and our self-concept is entirely within our control. What we say after the words “I AM”, becomes our self-concept and it’s our self-concept that becomes our identity and it’s our identity that drives our behavior. And when we say “I AM” we’re talking about the power, the presence of that one higher source within us.

Be incredibly mindful of the words you are placing after “I AM” . Be more mindful of your self-talk.

During class you’ll find an energizing cardio series that will allow you to upgrade your self-concept. You’ll also find a soulful Lower Body sequence designed to further help you connect to the I AM presence within you as well as a closing meditation that will help seal all of this month’s work in.

This month, what will you place after the words, “I AM”?

Watch your thoughts. They become words. Watch your words. They become actions. Watch your actions. They become habits. Watch your habits. They become character. Watch your character. It becomes your destiny

WED 7:45 am
WED 6 pm
FRI 9:30 am