Gel Water is the New Health Drink
So along with the science of connective tissue hydration for pain free movement, anxiety, depression, weight loss and feeling good, “eat” water by ingesting gel-water rich fruits and veggie, which can be up to twice as hydrating as drinking water. “Gel water from plants passes more readily into our cells – and is denser and less likely to leak out of damaged or aging cells” says Dr Dana Cohen, M.D, author of Quench: Beat Fatigue, Drop Weight and Heal your Body through the New Science of Optimum Hydration”.This ultra-hydrating gel water ignites fat burning.
If you are drinking lots of water and still peeing alot, it can be a signal that the spongy connective tissue cells are not picking up the water and making it gel water as fast as your body needs so… keep MELTing to lovingly massage that water into your cells and keep doing Pilates, which is a series of small movements because little movements keep the gel water moving.
Please come to classes Annabel, Rose & Ruth at MELT Method Winnipegand Pilates Manitoba to learn for yourself. We give all lessons in writing if you like a particular sequence that we did so you can repeat it a home for 10 min everyday and get your sponge working again. You will feel great too because they are gentle moves.
Still love to get informed more?
MELT Method fitness and education is available at Annabel, Rose & Ruth at MELT Method Winnipeg, inside Pilates Manitoba where you can also do Fitness Pilates, Therapeutic Pilates, Physiotherapy Pilates and Plus Size Fitness.
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