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February is the month to be more Fascia-forward! In February, we’re all a buzz about Fascia!What’s fascia? Fascia is the connective tissue that weaves throughout all the organs, muscles, and bones (highlighted in the picture above) and is a crucial element in maintaining overall health and optimal physical function. Recent research has shed light on the major role of fascia, such as joint motion, injury prevention and healing.Fascia keeps everything in its place and gives shape to our bodies. It is best to compare it to the white part of an orange between the skin and the fruit! Healthy fascia allows your body to move better, slide organs over one another easily, and reduce pain while increasing movement capabilities.Want to learn more about how to keep your fascia hydrated and healthy, and re-set your autonomic nervous system and vagus nerve? Come to our Fascial Release, MELT method, and ELDOA classes on-line or in person at either the CORYDON or ROBLIN locations – easy ways to incorporate fascia work into your weekly workout schedule. It will be your “AH-HA” moment when you realize that the missing link all along has been your fascial hydration!



Pilates is power. Be inspired. Feel Great. Look good. Enjoy.The power of awareness will give you access to your power

We want to show some extra love and support as we continue to negotiate these challenging times.We know how much heart Pilates has and we want to keep spreading the love.

Show yourself, or someone you care about, some LOVE with the following special
at our second location, inside the beautiful Yoga Barre. We have a beautiful partnership. For $170 for 10 classes or $280 for 20 you can enjoy any of the following floor-based group Pilates, Infusion, and Yoga classes at our Roblin location:

Yoga Stretch, Yin, Floor or Foundations with Heather
TRX, Barre & Pilates Infusion with Rebecca
TRX & Pilates with Julie
Plus Size/Intro to Pilates with Julie
Pilates & Fascial Release Infusion with Lisa

Exercise as Medicine

Great article on CBC today about the benefits of exercise to fight anxiety & depression. Pilates and our other fascial exercise programs are non-depleting and restorative neurologically, emotionally, and physically.

Pilates and the Immune System

Science has proven that chronic, low-grade inflammation can turn into a silent killer that contributes to cardiovas­cular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes and other conditions.
The fact that three out of five people around the world die from a disease linked to inflammation raises serious red flags.Thankfully, there is plenty you can do to fight back.
The threat that chronic inflammation poses to your health and well-being can be offset with lifestyle steps you can take to protect yourself.  These highly effective, evidence-based strategies you can use to dampen low-grade inflammation before it has a chance to compromise your health.

Step #1: Eat to beat inflammation.
Step #2: Get moving! Get stable and aligned first so you do not hurt your joints, then do some cardio (surprisingly little!) to lower inflammation level. Pilates is perfect because too much exercise or ones done in the wrong neural pathway may actually provoke an inflammatory response.
Step #3: Manage your weight.
Step #4: Get enough sleep. Inadequate sleep not only robs you of energy and productivity it also elevates inflammation—which is especially hazardous to heart health. Fascial hydration and Pilates both help you get a healthier and more refreshing night’s sleep.
Step #5: Stop smoking. MELT can help you kick the habit and result in a dramatic reduction in inflammation levels within just a few weeks, even if you’ve tried to quit before, and feel like a loser…we can help you succeed.
Step #6: Limit alcohol use.
Step #7: Conquer chronic stress. Chronic stress can spark the development of inflammation and cause flare-ups of problems like rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular disease, depression and inflammatory bowel disease. Pilates and MELT  help lower unhealthy stress.

Whether you’re aiming to prevent cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, or other conditions connected to chronic inflammation, the sooner you incorporate these seven steps into your life, the better.

We are trained in whole-person, integrated, lifestyle healthcare. Pass this on to someone who needs support, encouragement, and awareness building. We have community based programs for access and health equity to these powerful approaches to whole-person health and healing, either on its own as an adjunct to allopathic medicine.

Pilates and Your Immune System

The primary job of your immune system is to distinguish self from non-self, which enables it to recognize and take appropriate action against anything that shouldn’t be in your body, including abnormal and damaged components. A healthy immune system can seek out and destroy germs and cells infected by germs as well as recognize and destroy tumor cells. Along with the common-sense steps you can take to protect yourself from being exposed to or infected with COVID-19 and other illnesses, keeping your immune system in optimum working order is your best defense.

Be aware that as we age our immune system’s ability to fight off illness begins to wane. It also can be weakened by overuse of antibiotics as well as smoking and stress. Beyond that, other conditions can compromise immunity by disabling immune cells, as can autoimmune conditions including lupus, RA, Type 1 Diabetes, asthma, leukemia, lymphoma.

Given the importance of the immune system, what can you do to keep it healthy?  Here is one suggestion for modulating the immune system:

Exercise: Be sure to get regular, moderate physical activity. A study from the UK published in 2020 looked at the effect of exercise on immune function. The authors wrote that it is widely agreed that regular, moderate intensity exercise is beneficial for immunity and singled out Pilates. Also note that some experts believe more vigorous exercise without an adequate period of recovery may suppress immune function. Read the 2020 research meta-analysis article from the BJSM that states Pilates is a superior from of exercising without depleting the body.

Medical + Fitness Pilates

Mind-body exercises have been gaining popularity over the past few decades. This is not surprising, given the increasing number of studies on the positive effects of these gentler forms of exercise—everything from lowering blood pressure and managing depression to building strength and improving balance. There is even evidence that Pilates  may help you live a longer, more vital life.

Scientific studies on the health benefits of Pilates reveal  it  works in a variety of ways, not just one. Whereas most drugs have a single active ingredient, Pilates is more like a multidrug combination that uses different components to produce a variety of effects.

The idea of the “eight active ingredients” is the conceptual framework to help evaluate the clinical benefits of Pilates, explore the underlying mechanisms that produce these effects, and shape the way it is taught to participants in clinical trials. While a Pilates lesson can  emphasize different “ingredients”, these therapeutic factors are interwoven and synergistic. Here’s a summary of one of the active ingredients:
Structural integration. Pilates looks at the body as an interconnected system, not as a collection of individual parts. As a result, when practicing Pilates, you won’t do one exercise for your biceps and another for your glutes. Instead, Pilates integrates the upper body with the lower body, the right side with the left side, and the extremities with the core.
Alignment and posture are part of this structural integration, and Pilates trains you to find alignments that are safe and unstrained, allowing you to perform graceful movements. You move more efficiently—not just during your practice, but throughout your day. The result is less stress and load on your joints and better balance. Improved posture provides benefits that extend well beyond your class. When you walk or sit with your shoulders rounded and your torso hunched over, it is hard to take deep breaths. But when you straighten your back, roll your shoulders back and down, and open your chest, you breathe more deeply and efficiently.
Not only does this integration improve your ability to move without pain, but it also affects your mental health. In two different studies, people who sat or walked more upright during the experiments had a more positive outlook afterward than those who slouched while sitting or walking.
Enjoy these seven other big benefits:

  • Better Balance– studies show that older adults who do an hour long class one to three times a week are 43% less likely to fall, and they cut their risk of injury in half.
  • No More PainPilates offers significant relief from back, neck, arthritis, and fibromyalgia pain.
  • A Sharper Mind–Pilates can help reduce age-related cognitive decline
  • A Boost in Mood
  • Less Stress–Learn to step back and take deep, calming breaths.
  • More Confidence..all the while gaining muscle and mind control.
  • A Healthier HeartPilates may offer advantages over other types of aerobic exercise, especially for people who are sedentary or very out of shape. And that’s not all. It also  tones the sympathetic and autonomic nervous system.
Pilates is strength with control and the control is from your mind
Medical + Fitness Pilates

2022 Pandemic restrictions

Manitoba pandemic restrictions
As of Wednesday January the 5th, we have not heard of more restrictions for businesses like ours. Therefore we will now continue on as we have been doing. Mid-Jan, we will extend the class schedule for the month of February.  Stay safe and warm!

Holiday Hours 2021

Merry Christmas everyone!

We are closed Dec 24, Dec 25 and Dec 26 as well as Jan 1

Please check our online ZOOM schedule or in-person classes and appointments at the tabs above


Sending love and gratitude to you all!

Canada can do this too!

Great article about positive change for improved delivery of mental health services in the NHS from the U.K. This is why I go to school to study Integrative Medicine and Healthcare in the UK at the National Centre for Integrative Medicine. So progressive, proactive, and positive. This is why I stay in leading edge Pilates, and fascial integration. Let’s reimagine improved and empowered healthcare for all Manitobans and Canadians. #integrativemedicine #integratviewellness #holisitchealth #holisticdoctor #NCIM #lifestylemedicine #empoweredpatient #beabetterpatient #beabetterdoctor #remimaginehealthcare

The Birth-Date Sale

A fun marketing idea!

On your Birth-Date, order from our product store and save 20% while supplies last. Make sure we see proof of your birthdate before you order!

Our offering will change on a regular basis. We will include the change in this newsletter.

This should be a fun idea. Go to to see what else is available for you in the city on your birth-date every month!