intenSati is a workout with mood lifting cardio moves, positive spoken affirmations and lots of smiles. While you exercise your body, also exercise your power to change your thoughts, upgrade your beliefs and take action to change your life. We all have creative power and free will. Your life is a reflection of how you choose to use that power. As human beings we are creative by nature. We create with our thoughts, words and actions.
So we exercise our mind and our body and our power of thoughts and feelings doing cardio and dance moves mixed with breathwork, some yoga and some martial arts moves with affirmations.
intenSati is the practice of harnessing your attention, setting clear intentions and taking inspired action so that you can live a happier and healthier life. It is spiritual, empowering exercise practice that is both effective and uplifting. Inten means intention and Sati is the Pali word for mindfulness.
You work at your own pace. There is no focus on perfection, choreography, pushing or punishing your body or proving anything. It is joyful, life affirming movement with empowering affirmations. You can even do it sitting down! Bring your own water, shoes, sock, mat and towel.