
207 posts

Acu-pressure and Myofascial Release Ball Class with Lisa

Come join Lisa for the Acu-pressure and Myfascial Release Ball Class.

You can use your class pass to try a class. You can buy the acu-pressure balls for home and travel use. Easy to learn. Great for the lake and vacations.

Drop-ins welcome. Come one day or both. All levels welcome. No previous experience required. It’s not too late to come check them out!

Read our Acu-pressure and Myofascial Release Ball Class Facebook Event to learn more.


Academy Road Street Fair, Saturday, June 2nd

Come out to visit us this Saturday, June 2nd, during the Academy Rd Street Fair!

Bring family and friends and come visit us!

FREE 30 min Demos. Space is limited so come 10 min early to make sure you get a spot.

Talk about pain issues @ 12 noon with Colin, Feldenkrais Instructor

Yoga for Disabilities @ 12 noon with Jenny

Reformer Pilates @ 1:30 pm with Linda

Visit us to book a FREE 30 min consultation and assessment. Visit us to get a FREE class pass.

ELDOA at Pilates Manitoba

Check out the ELDOA article written about us in the Sou’wester!

ELDOA is making an impact to people everywhere. Come to the studio and give it a try! Offered Monday’s @ 6pm, Wednesday’s @ 10:30am.



5 New Ways To Help The Brain Heal Itself

Read about how Feldenkrais plays a part in healing the brain.   Join us in the studio for Feldenkrais classes Saturday’s at 9 am.  Drop-ins welcome!

Feldenkrais Method (Functional Integration)

What is it?
Feldenkrais functional integration lessons involve private sessions tailored to each person’s needs. Gentle non-invasive touch is usually performed with the student laying on a table. It’s a hands-on form of tactile, kinesthetic communication. While a massage therapist works with muscle and a chiropractor works with bones, these touch therapists work with the nervous system. Sessions happen with a therapist, but the Feldenkrais Method can be taught in groups.

Who is it for?
Cerebral palsy, stroke, multiple sclerosis, children born missing parts of the brain.

Why do scientists think it works?
The method is based on the fact that neural pathways to and from the brain are spread throughout the body. Feldenkrais believed that increasing our awareness of movement is key to refining our brain maps for movement. Many people with strokes or cerebral palsy develop spastic limbs that can’t move, making it difficult for them to develop mental maps to control fine movement. When a person is relaxed, touch and simple movements make it easier for the brain to create the mental maps needed to start moving properly. In essence, it’s using the body to talk to the brain through soft touch.

Click to read the Full Article.